Hello, new member here, another member suggested I join from facebook. First time grower from a si gle Dills seed and it was doing so well. Unfortunately our fortifications were not enough for a family of skunks who wanted to move in. I'm pretty sure this plant is a gonner. This community is amazing and even growers from the states are offering seeds. I was just wondering if someone morr local had a seedling they may not want or would be willing to sell. I would still definitly be interested in any local seeds also.
Thank so much!
Ian Leis, Guelph area, willing to drive.

Mike Aasman is a GVGO grower who lives in Guelph. Might want to get in touch with him.
He has/had a diary on www.bigpumpkins.com and has the nickname City Farmer. If you click the little envelope before his name, you will find his email address.