Pre-Registration form was re-done discared this one. Sorry about this. I will give up-date on new one being sent out. Also it will go up on the Fairs website also at same time. Good luck everyone this summer hope to see you all at bracebridge Weigh off.
Hello Everyone. Hope all are hanging on with this crazy weather. Forms are up on the Bracebridge Fall Fair website. Link (Competitions / Prize Lists - Bracebridge Fall Fair & Horse Show ( If you plan on coming please have forms in before Sept 8 and Payment. Anybody want to contact me email is or cell 705-801-6391
Ben Carter
Pre-Registration form was re-done discared this one. Sorry about this. I will give up-date on new one being sent out. Also it will go up on the Fairs website also at same time. Good luck everyone this summer hope to see you all at bracebridge Weigh off.