I have a horse paddock that I have turn over twice and it still comes up with clover, I am not going to use roundup. Should I till up a section and plant a watermelon as with the other paddock I have had no luck with watermelon, any ideas???
Simon Southwell
Watermelons like heat! lots of it
Hi Simon. Unfortunately the clover seed is in the ground and will last for years. The use of Roundup ahead of your plant would help but if you do t want to do that, you should be able to weed it out. The clover germinates fairly shallow, so every time you till, you will get another flush. Once you get that flush weeded out, you should be ahead of the game.
Part B of your question regarding nitrogen. Watermelon are similar to AG’s in there nitrogen requirements. I assume you are concerned about the residual nitrogen from the clover? This is not an issue. At most, the clover will supply about a third of the plants total nitrogen requirement. You should still plan on applying a generous application of compost. Hope this helps