We are sheduled to go down to 2 degrees tonight & tomorrow night. hopefully environment Canada is wrong & the Weather network is right @ 6 degrees C.
How do you plan on protecting your plants? We will either use remay or water the plants down @ 4 am. I really don't want to fight with several large pieces of remay for only 1or 2 nights. Has anyone ever tried using a couple larger fans to move the air around their gardens? In theory it should work for a light frost.
Good luck to all those fighting the frost.
Looks like a chance of frost the next 2 nights. Let's hope they're wrong.
Good luck all,
Phil & Jane
It's 3 degrees C here this morning. No frost to report for us. I hope everyone avoided the frost this time around. It's way too early to be worrying about frost anyway.
Good luck,
Phil & Jane
I would think that fans would work they are calling for a lite breeze here tonite but I will be up very early and water down plants to be sure tommoro nite is supposed to be clear so it mite be colder,but who knows the weather people have been lying all summer good luck and I hope it stays above 5 degrees for everyone