I will be organizing a bulk purchase of RTI (WOW) Mycorrhizae for those that want this option. We wont have a final price until we have total numbers. if i get 20 lbs total orders, its around $20/ pound. if we get 50lbs of orders its around $18/ lb
I will also organize pick up of supplies from Bio ag such as black earth humic acid and kelp meal. Right now I'm just trying to determine interest.
send me an email to j.vincent@xplornet.ca if you are interested in above.
I have a price reduction on the Wow Mychorriza, due to a different import Channel 😉
will be about $12/ lb. I have 4 pounds left available
Black Earth Humic Acid $38/ bg
Ocean Harvest Kelp Meal 25KG bag $115
PEI Atlantic Grow Kelp Meal 22.68 kg bag, $90