The 2021 version of the GVGO Seminar will be ran VIRTUALLY this year. No matter what the COVID regulations are we can run it. The link to sign in will be provided at a later date. It will be held April 10th or 17th, we are just waiting to hear from some speakers which date is good for them. Stay tuned for more details
The Canadian Record Contest was not won in 2020 and will be ran again in 2021 and hopefully we’ll see a record so keep up the patch prep
NEW in 2021 is the Member Gratitude Contest. A Grower that has paid their membership by March 1st, 2021 is eligible for this contest. A GVGO grower will receive a chance to win 1 of 4 $250 prizws(Canadian).
Growers will receive one chance to win for every entry to a GPC weigh off in 2021. All entries will be tracked by the GVGO and drawn at the end of 2021. Cash prizes will be sent out January 2nd 2022. 1st place winners of each category at a weigh off are not eligible for entry. All paid up members World Wide will be eligible for this contest. If you have any questions please send them to gvgogrowers@gmail.com
Membership payments can be made on line to gvgogrowers@gmail.com
On the website via PayPal at www,gvgo.ca
Or by cheque to GVGO,
1650 Fourth Line Rd N Dummer, Douro Dummer, OM, K0L 2H0
Thanks to those that have already paid there 2021 dues, this was also sent to old members in case they would like to join up for the new contest
Thanks - GVGO Executives