Anyone else had enough of this snow crap yet? 3 weeks ago I could see the grass now I've got a foot and a half of snow on it!If the pumpkin on your front step has more teeth than your might be a redneck.
Hey Simon, send me an email and I'll send you some more if you want.
Pretty easy. as long as I have my family album I'll never run out.
Hi Mr. Demars,
Thanks for the entertaining spring, it helped to keep my mind busy so I didn't start too early and gave my Mom a laugh. When are you opening at Casino Rama?
Thanks for the laughs
Simon Southwell
PB 933 lbs. Pumpkin
PB 3.74 lbs. Tomato
PB 73 lbs. Long Gourd
If you've ever been kicked out of the zoo for heckling the might be a redneck
If you've ever bathed with flea & tick might be a redneck.
If you've ever been in a custody battle over a hunting might be a redneck.
If the dogcatcher calls for backup when he comes to your might be a redneck.
If you consider 5th grade your senior might be a redneck.
If you think a Volvo is part of a woman's might be a redneck.
If your blood alcohol level is higher than your might be a redneck.
If you consider you license plate personalized because your Daddy made it in might be a redneck.
If you are considered an expert on worm might be a redneck.
If you think nitrates are cheaper than day might be a redneck.
This is my last post on this thread. Was going to keep it going til spring but I'm starting to get busy.
There should be enough examples here to let you know if your a redneck or not.
Two things to remember:
1. If any one of these examples pertains to ARE a redneck.
2. If it ain't broke, it ain't ours!
If the home shopping operator recognizes your might be a redneck.
If your mother has ammo on her Christmas might be a redneck.
If you refer to the time you won a free case of oil as "the day my ship came in" might be a redneck.
If your entire family sat around waiting for a call from the governor to spare a loved might be a redneck.
If you've ever lost a tooth opening a might be a redneck.
If you think a turtle neck is the key ingredient for might be a redneck.
If you've ever had to wait to use the toilet because your dog was drinking out of it might be a redneck.
If you've ever had Thanksgiving dinner ruined because you ran out of might be a redneck.
if you think a hot tub is a stolen bathroom might be a redneck.
If you think a subdivision is part of a math might be a redneck.
If your junior prom offered might be a redneck.
If you've been married 3 times and still have the same in-laws might be a redneck.
If you think Don Perignon is a mafia might be a redneck.
If people constantly come to your door thinking your having a yard might be a redneck.
If you have ever worn a dress that's strapless and a bra that's might be a redneck.
If you ever stared at a can of orange juice because it said might be a redneck.