I'm not sure what of all the different things I'll try to grow this year, but I do know I'm going to try and get another heavy carrot going. It's such a fun surprise pulling it out of the ground to see how big it actually got.
Do we know if there will be another Tomato group contest? I really enjoyed that and I would definitely but interested in doing it again.
Oh ya. Tomato contest is on for sure. I'll talk to Kirk and get something posted soon.
I got my pack the other day as well!
I'm not sure what of all the different things I'll try to grow this year, but I do know I'm going to try and get another heavy carrot going. It's such a fun surprise pulling it out of the ground to see how big it actually got.
Do we know if there will be another Tomato group contest? I really enjoyed that and I would definitely but interested in doing it again.
got mine yesterday thanks for a great job Jeff
Nice to see more "other" seeds. (Such as carrots, cantaloupe, marrow, BG, cauliflower, field pumpkin). Thanks for putting it together!
Big thanks to Jeff for looking after this again