Below is a rundown of paid members and what the Club typically spends funds on each year
The Club has 196 total paying members
135 On, 28 Can, 20 US, 18 EU
Canadian Challenge, Personal best, Hall Rental, Meal, Prizes
Plaques, Jackets, Website, Webmaster, Web hosting cost, Patch tours
Seed Sorting & Mail out, Auctions, Postage, Newsletter, Supplies
Hats, T-shirts, Misc., 4-H sponsorship
It takes people and money to run your club, So much to do and only 5 executive members to do the work
Dues were not raised this year with the Executive opting for monetary restraint.
As always please send your comments to
The One Ton Challenge is gone but replaced with the Canadian Record contest which is paid out at $1/pound. This was done to be more fiscally responsible as a Club as outlined in the newsletter. At the seminar the members voted to keep the 1 ton Challenge for 2019 and then let the GVGO Executive make the decision moving forward, which is what happened. less than 10% of the membership compete for this money and those in attendance at the seminar spoke and voted on the subject. A contest has been added to include all members of the GVGO to try and increase membership. This comment is not directed at you as you are one to help out if needed, out of all the members not one person volunteered to help on the Executive this year.The Executive made the decision based on direction from the members in attendance.
Kirk Chenier - President
Hello 'GVGO executives'. I will sleep better if this question gets asked;)
WIth so much apparent support at the seminar and from the results of this survey, why is the "one tonne challenge" being axed?
If its a monetary decision to keep the club alive i totally understand and would say this is a nessesary choice.
As a motivating force for growers to 'press on' to break that 2000 lb barrier (from the growers I talked to) this "was" a great initiative, and there is more than a handful of growers at this point in the clubs history capable of achieving this goal.
Is this a 'done deal'? Should i cancel my order for heating cables😔?