Our biggest plant is the 1803 Hoelke (12+'), followed closely by the 2145 Mcmullen. Both plants will hopefully be pollinated by our targeted date of June 20-25th.
Not growing AGP's but my best is a 2014 Mini Zac....The Mater is a good size bloom and stem that I have treated extensively with kelp by spraying it twice a day from the day it first appeared in an effort to encourage cell division......The plant is only two and a half feet tall and yes its terminated.
The 1803 was a back up to 2 other 1803's that didn't like the cold wet weather earlier and was put in patch 10 days after 1094 , 1585 and 1756 H/J , it has since caught and passed 1756 in size, 1585 Werner is very aggressive plant almost double the size of the rest
My best plant is a 2145 McMullen which is out about 14 feet now but the 1585 Werner plant is right behind it and looking very aggressive as well. I have removed the first two pumpkins on it but the third one will hopefully be the charm.
The 1803 Hoelke and 2095 Willemijins were started late as back ups and planted just before a stretch of cold wet weather. They are both look distressed and are way behind the other plants.
1803 is the largest right now as well. I've removed two females from it so far and am on the fence a out the one showing at about 14 feet. It won't be open for at least a week so I have time to think.
Not growing AGP's but my best is a 2014 Mini Zac....The Mater is a good size bloom and stem that I have treated extensively with kelp by spraying it twice a day from the day it first appeared in an effort to encourage cell division......The plant is only two and a half feet tall and yes its terminated.
The 1803 was a back up to 2 other 1803's that didn't like the cold wet weather earlier and was put in patch 10 days after 1094 , 1585 and 1756 H/J , it has since caught and passed 1756 in size, 1585 Werner is very aggressive plant almost double the size of the rest
my best plant is the 1337 Butler but the 1512 Butler 1625 Gantner and the 1172 Haist* are catching fast with the warm weather
My best plant is a 2145 McMullen which is out about 14 feet now but the 1585 Werner plant is right behind it and looking very aggressive as well. I have removed the first two pumpkins on it but the third one will hopefully be the charm.
The 1803 Hoelke and 2095 Willemijins were started late as back ups and planted just before a stretch of cold wet weather. They are both look distressed and are way behind the other plants.
The only plant I have is the 1512 Butler at about 10+ feet. I self pollinated it this morning
at 6 ft. Another female in the waiting at 9 ft. I'm not real sure I want to continue all summer
at the 6 ft. mark. LOL.
1095 butler*** and 951***jarvis squash have started to 'wake up'....warm weather has started to move things along here on Fruit Ridge line:)
Best plant is an old classic , the 1142 Vankooten, second would be the 1317 Clementz. Two more close runner ups are the 1276 Marsh and 1109 Ebbett
1585 Werner the biggest
1803 is the largest right now as well. I've removed two females from it so far and am on the fence a out the one showing at about 14 feet. It won't be open for at least a week so I have time to think.
I didn't get in until May 15th but plants are taking off now. 1512 Butler is my best but the 1567
Lyons is catching up real quick. Still hoping for a June pollination but it will likely be near the end of the month