July 26th
These tomatoes are going to be the death of me! I'm pretty sure planting them in the fabric pots might not have been a good idea. They appear to dry out very quickly, as a result I've been watering daily and I have seen some evidence of Blossom End Rot. So I started treating it with some calcium supplements. A few days after that, I notice some yellowing leaves... Looks just like Magnesium deficiency, which from reading is caused from over watering, or to much calcium. So I applied a little foliar spray of epsom salt, I think its fixing the problem, or at least halted it.
I've got what I feel are some pretty big tomatoes! I just hope they can last and nothing goes wrong with them. I've been concerned as well with them pulling the plants down/off. So I've improvised with some pantyhose to try and hold them up and not restrict them.
This plant has a cluster of 4 that are all really doing well, and I'm afraid to prune any off, but I assume at some point that time will need to come.
Some plants are considerably taller then others, despite getting the same amount of watering and nutrients. But over all I think they are all doing well.
That one tomato sure is hanging far out! I'll have to strap it in soon.
Heres a close up of the one thats hanging way out off the plant.
The Mangel are slow and steady. I've added more more dirt, not sure if it will do anything. However the plant just looked to awkward sticking so far out like that to me.
Everyone tells me how great and easy zucchini are. Am I the only one with pests? First it was the cucumber beetles, now its the vine borer! I split the stem open to find 4 slugs growing inside. No wonder the plant wasn't growing or producing any fruit. A few online blogs suggest you can plant the split vine and it could still live. So I've given that a go, lets hope for the best.
And last but not least, my 3 year old Carolina reaper plant is starting to produce!